PAMA FUTURES Indigenous designed and led

The Pama Futures Steering Committee

The Steering Committee brings together a wealth of direct experience and passion from the Pama Futures Agenda. This operational working group supports the establishment of Local Empowerment Structures and helps to link communities with the Australian Government, which oversees the Pama Futures Backbone

Rob Ryan: Head of the Voice co-design and National Empowered Communities
Rob Willmett: Eastern Australia Group Manager
Marnie Wettenhall: Regional Manager

Mayor Aurukun Keri Tamwoy
Wujal Wujal yet to appoint
Lockhart Mayor invited
Hope Vale Mayor Jason Woibo
Peter Gibson / Esmae Bowen appointed by the AGYP Working Group
Donna Henning, Mossman Gorge nominated

Fiona Jose

Gerhardt Pearson

Terry Piper

Di Hawgood

Kerie Hull

Kassmena Birch - NIAA (Cairns)
Helen Lucy - NIAA (Canberra)
Daireen Dwyer - Minutes


Power in our voice


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors are advised that this website may contain images and voices of people who have passed away.

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